

Sponsorhip hockey


Collall sponsors the ladies team Voordaan, and the girls team A1 from Emmen. We offer sponsorship to make sport possible for as many people as possible. We want to contribute to the pursuit of fun, performance and above all practising your sport as a team.

MEIDEN A1 sponsoring clothes

MHCE Emmen



Sponsorship Almanac Committee

With over 800 members, G.C.H.C. is the biggest and nicest student hockey club of the Netherlands. G.C.H.C. has 17 ladies- and 13 gentlemen teams, about 200 training members and 22 committees, among which the Almanak committee.



Societas is the study association for Sociology students at the University of Groningen. Collall sponsors the lustrum committee of Societas.

Collall-sponsoring-carbage run 2019

Carbage Run 2019

Fundraiser Rally 2021